Monday, February 25, 2013

Chapter 2 Notes

Question: At this point of the story, the dramatic duo have finally arrived at the ranch which is to become their new workplace. In the process of getting used to their new work environment, Lennie and George meet  a few new people, such as Candy: and old and aging handyman, and the boss: the "big man" of the entire operation who starts to become suspicious of George and Lennie after Lennie decides to talk after all the times George has to told him specifically not to. Will the boss continue to be suspicious of the two men? Will George try to get the boss on his good side to prevent any future conflicts?

Prediction: Due to the fact that Curley (the bosses son) wanted to see what Lennie was really like on his bad side, I think that Curley and Lennie will eventually get into a physical fight that may affect George's and Lennie's reputation to not only the boss, but the entire ranch in a negative or positive way. I also believe that sometime in the future, Curley will find out that his wife has been constantly flurting with the other men in the ranch, or maybe even catch her in the act of having an affair with another man!

Summary: In the second chapter of "Of Mice and Men," George and Lennie finally reach their intended destination, being the new ranch where they're going to be working. The men start becoming introduced to their new co-workers and their new boss, who becomes suspicious of them after Lennie's mental disability becomes slightly revealed. George and Lennie also meet the boss's son, Curley, who is an ex-boxer and has quite the temper. Slim, the skilled mule driver, has a conversation with both men, and admires their friendship and how they have each other's backs. After having dinner, George expresses his hatred for Curley, and says that he may even have a "tangle" with Curley himself.

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